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FAQ's and Strategy Guides
For playing tips, move lists and other information, please read the Gex FAQ from www.GameFAQs.com.
Liven up the party with this code. Pause the game, hold R1, and press Right, Left, Right, Circle, Triangle, Right, Circle, Down, Right. Thunder Lizards rule!
Fire Balls
Toast your enemies with this hot code. Pause the game, hold R1, and press X, Up, Right, Up, Right, Right.
Ice Balls
Fire and ice don't mix, but you can use both with impunity. Pause the game, hold R1, and press Circle, Circle, Left, Down, Circle, Up, Right.
Infinite Lives
Who says only cats have nine lives? Unlimp that lizard with this code. Pause the game, hold R1, and press Up, Circle, Triangle, Down, Right, Square, Down.
Instant Speed
For a burst of speed, pause the game, hold R1, and press Down, Pause, Right, Right, Down, Up, Pause.
The Dude with the 'Tude has real staying power with this code. Pause the game, hold R1, and press X, Square, Down, Down, Up, Down, Right.
You'll leap for joy with these passwords.
Level           Password
Cemetery 1      SVZFKHGP
Cemetery 2      BXRFYHGP
Cemetery 3      ZVTCYHGP
Jungle 1        KXVKRHKP
Jungle 2        CVHCSHKP
Jungle 3        SVKLPHKP
Jungle 4        CVBLPHKP
Toonville 1     RVTCSHGP
Toonville 2     XVVBRHKP
Kung Fu 1       YTCHPHKP
Kung Fu 2       ZTDHPHKP
Kung Fu 3       DXVGRHKP
Rezopolis       GYVYRHKP
Planet X        RYYRYXKB
Final Battle    PZYPRXYL
Super Jump
Leaping lizards, batman! For olympic high jumps, pause the game, hold R1, and press X, Circle, Up, Up, Down, Right, Right.