![logo.gif (3955 bytes)](http://bbuttry/psx/logo.gif)
- All Remotes
- Enter this password for all remotes collected:
Square, O, R1, Triangle, L1,
R1, L1, R1, O, O, R1,
Triangle, L1, R1, O, L1, Triangle,
O, R1, Triangle, L1, R1, O,
L1, Triangle, O, R1, L1
- Bonus Ending
- Here's a password for anybody who is tired of trying to get all the remotes but wants to
see the bonus ending. Just type in the following password at the "password"
screen. ([]- square)
- Cheat Codes
- To enter these codes, pause the game, then hold L2 or R2 while entering any of the codes
Effect Code
Infinite lives Up, Up, Down, Right, Triangle, Down
Invulnerability Left, Right, Triangle, Down, Right, Left
Rambling GEX Down, Right, Up, Down, Right, Left, Right, Down, Down
- Free Tour
- If you want to take a free tour of Gex's world, enter the following password in at the
Password Screen:
Voila! You are now an official cheater.
- Level Stats
- Want to see how you're doing? While playing, pause the game, hold L2 and press Right,
Triangle, Right, Left, Triangle, X. You can now access your stats from the main map by
pressing SELECT for level stats, or SQUARE for the best times.
- Quips on Command
- While playing, pause the game, hold L2 and press Triangle, Left, Circle, Up, Down. From
now on Gex will say something whenever you press the SELECT button.
- Secret Web Site
- In the level "WWW.dotcom.com" can be found a bonus cube that reveals a secret
website address for codes. The address is http://www.crystald.com/secretgex.html. There you'll find the codes
above, and a desktop theme for Windows 95 users.