After starting your adventure and defeating one Cyclops, you'll immediately notice
another annoying giant perched on the ledge as you round the corner. If you're playing
Herc or Jason, you'll find, much to your dismay, that spears and special attacks don't
reach up where the Cyclops is standing. If you're playing Atlanta, you're at a particular
advantage with her arrow-barrage. Hold down the attack button, place the crosshairs over
the Cyclops and let it go. After four special attacks, the Cyclops will no longer remain
standing! This particular enemy (as with many others throughout the game), once
defeated, offers a special reward that can be collected at the nearest Bonus Pedestal.
Once you've defeated the enemies in this area, you'll come across a gate. Once through
that gate, you'll see the first Bonus Pedestal in the game, and if you have defeated that
Cyclops, you will see one drachma bonus waiting to be taken.