![Back to Codes Page](http://bbuttry/psx/logo.gif)
- Enhanced Colors
- For additional colors when painting your own logo, move the cursor out of the painting
area and hold L1+L2+R1+R2+Select. An RGB option will appear. To change these values, use
Left or Right and R1+Up or Down.
- Mirror Mode
- To race on a mirrored version of any track, select a race and hold L1 + R1 + Select +
Start until the race begins.
- Rotate Logo
- To get a better idea of how your logo will appear on a car, hold L1 + R1 + any direction
to rotate and flip your artwork.
- Toggle Rear View Mirror
- To turn off the rear view mirror, pause the game and press L1 while holding TRIANGLE. To
restore the mirror, just do it again.